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Triple blade technology. Ergonomic design. Atra compatible adaptor standard. Sensor compatible adaptor included. Headblade uses Gilette Atra Plus blade cartridges. Made in China.
Technical Details
- Comes with extra adaptor for standard blades from Gillette and Schick.- A free sample of HeadSlick shaving cream included in packaging
- HeadBlade is the fastest growing niche player in the Shave category
- Shaved heads are the new trend with celebrities in sports, television and screen performers
- The HeadBlade consumer is a male who wants to take charge of his look and his destiny
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By Clint Emmett
I have been shaving my head for eight years now, 5 years and 10 months of them using a headblade. I recently completed an interstate move and lost my for the last few months I have been using my trusty gillette mach 3 to shave my head "old school" style. I have to tell you, hands down- the gillette razor does a better job and leaves me with less nicks than the headblade ever did.
The headblade is convenient, I will give it that. It does a "good" job, but not one that is stellar. It fits easily in your hand and has a very shallow learning curve on its usage. However, like another reviewer stated, it only accomplishes shaving in one direction, with a "taditional" razor- you get the added advantage of maneiverability. That makes all the difference.
I cannot call the headblade a bad product by any means, heck I used one for years...but it just cannot compare to using a traditional method to just "bic-it." While the razor itself may not be the be-all end-all of the dome clearing world, the shaving creams, lotions, and scrubs that headblade produces are top notch all the way. advice, is to fire up the razor you already have, but swap out the shaving cream with some headslick...follow that up with some headlube (a great moisturizing lotion) and you are good to go.
By Dr. Phu™ (Beverly Hills, Rodeo Drive) could be better. The overall design of the Headblade is a stroke of genius; it may take a couple of weeks to get used to the shaver but it's the best thing on the market for us dome heads. It could be improved if it were made of a solid aluminum or stainless steel to give a better, more solid feel to the shave, but as it is, it just works. The cheap plastic just doesn't feel solid, and as a result, you might tend to press harder on the head/skin than needed, causing nicks and bleeding. The secret is to put the pressure on wheels and just let the Headblade do its work.
If you are a lifetime chromedome, get this product. Remember, it takes a couple of weeks to get used to the shave.
By CaptainRoy (Cedar Rapids, IA USA)
A friend of mine mentioned this razor to me - he said he'd heard someone talking about it on Howard Stern's show. It was good timing since the previous time I'd shaved, I'd cut my ear and lost about a pint of blood (BTW, why do razor cuts bleed for an hour? I could have had my leg removed by a runaway train and it would probably stop bleeding faster...)
I could not be happier with this razor. I used to use 2 different razors to shave my head - a Schick Extreme 3 disposable (due to the "flexible blade") for most of my head and a Gillette Fusion with the battery (the vibration leads to fewer cuts, in my experience) for small problem areas like around my ears.
The biggest problem with the Schick is that you have to apply some pressure to get the blade to bend to conform to your head. With most of your head, it's not a big issue, but in certain spots (on my head, anyway), you're going to get some nicks and cuts from time to time.
The Headblade is MUCH easier to use, and it makes shaving MUCH quicker. The first thing to remember, though, is DON'T APPLY ANY PRESSURE TO THE BLADE! Just let it ride your head and make sure the wheel stays in contact with your skull at all times. I wasn't great with this at first due to my experience shaving with the Schick - I was either applying pressure or not keeping the wheel down, which is of PARAMOUNT importance.
A good way to visualize it is to think of pushing a flat-blade shovel across some loose dirt. As long as you keep the shovel blade relatively even with the dirt, it will slide across easily. However, if you raise the shovel handle, the shovel blade is going to start diving into the dirt and getting stuck and digging out gouges. The dirt, in this example, is the SKIN ON YOUR HEAD. The wheel is there to make sure the "shovel" glides easily across the "dirt" on your head.Dirty head!
I shave in the shower, which I HIGHLY recommend - there's less mess to worry about and the hot water will keep your stubble softer. This thing is so smooth that you don't really need a mirror unless you're worried about accidentally shaving off an eyebrow. I usually shave my head front-to-back at first and then apply some more shaving foam and go back-to-front on a second pass. It'll also do a decent job around your ears, although I still use the Fusion for a little clean-up. I'll also hold the blade up to the shower head after each pass to rinse the blades clean - shaving long passes on your head stuffs the blade more than shaving your face would.
One other thing: although the instructions say to switch hands for shaving each side of your head, I stick with my right (I'm right-handed) since shaving with my left hand feels so awkward. Make sure to tilt your head when you're doing the other side and keep the same rules in mind about not applying pressure and keeping the wheel in contact with your scalp. It's going to take a few shaves before you're comfortable with it, but stick with it - it's going to feel strange at first. By the third or fourth try, it'll be totally natural.
I'm using Sensor blades in it right now and they work just fine. I haven't checked Amazon's prices for bulk blades, but I've been buying mine at a warehouse club where they're pretty cheap. I put in a new blade once a week for the "peace of mind" factor. There's nothing worse than having to go to an appointment with blood running down your head. My mean goatee and shaved head already scare enough people. Adding blood is, frankly, a bit of overkill.
One last thing: when you're replacing the blade, it's going to go on in the OPPOSITE direction than a regular razor's replacement blade would. If you hold the Headblade "up" like a traditional razor, the blades are going to be pointing UP rather than down. Unlike a regular razor, which you "pull" down your face, you "push" the Headblade - it's more like a snowplow, or the shovel in my entertaining allegory. Perhaps I can make the shovel into a whimsical Disney-like character which will spawn a series of young-adult novels. The dirt can be the main antagonist, but it'll need a better name, like "The Dirt Of Ancient Evil" or "Cougar Town."
By G. Wallace
Their is no doubt that the Head Blade could be a great product. 2 things need to happen to make this happen.
1. The company needs to update to modern blades.
2. Change the design for easier clean out.
The head Blade will give you a quick, uniform shave if you follow the instructions and take your time. However most any modern "stick" will give you a closer shave. I shave my head daily and have done so for over 10 years. I demand a skin close shave and the head Blade cannot deliver this type of shave. If our hair only grew in 2 directions like the company would like you to believe then the product would be fine as is.
As we all know...this is not the case. In order to get your dome "skin tight" you must shave against the grain. For me this means nape to crown, forehead to crown, and then sides up to crown. 4 directions...not 2. The head Blade simply is NOT designed for that type of ultra close shave. It's a time saver if you want a sloppy shave but it actually will cost you time if you want the best shave possible due to sheer awkwardness and all the touching up you have to do.
It is my opinion that the Head Blade company is in business to sell their gels, oils, scrubs, etc...The "space age" Head Blade is just the means to do so.
If quick and dirty is your goal, get a head blade. If you prefer a precise skin tight shave then stick to the modern 3/4/5 blade traditional units on the market.
By N. Pucci (Seattle Area, WA USA)
I have been shaving my head for about 3 years now. I decided to give the HeadBlade a try to see if it would work better than the 5 blade razor I had been using. It worked better then I thought it would, and definitely took some getting used to. Time spent with the HeadBlade vs. the previous razor dropped in half after using it a few times. My advice to anybody who wants to try it: read the instructions and don't rush
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